mercredi 8 août 2012


The Argentine International EDUARDO SALVIO has never found a place,  or himself as a player at ATLETICO DE MADRID. Perhaps its because he arrived too young from Argentine Football or simply because he was not given the chance & playing time to show his true qualities.

The 22 year old player was given on loan to BENFICA back in season 2010/2011 & was a star of Portuguese Football, which lead to Atletico recalling him back for duties. However since then Salvio has not been given the opportunities & has spent more time on the bench than on the field

At.Madrid 2012 transfers

Portuguese Club Benfica has not forgotten the Argentine & has made a formal offer of 11M€ to Atletico de Madrid & a 5 year contract offer to Salvio. The Clubs are in agreement & the player is now in Lisbon to pass the medical exam which is the pre-requisite before signing the official contract.

Salvio thus returns "home" to a place where he is appreciated & admired. We wish him all the luck in the World,  & personally as an Atletico fan for all his services. Thank you Salvio!

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