jeudi 9 août 2012


REAL MADRID Brazilian midfielder KAKA was joined by his father - also his rep - for a meeting with Manager-Coach Jose Mourinho at the "Santiago Bernabeu Stadium" offices around 1.00 pm  this afternnoon. This has sent off a string of rumours  which are exaggerated, pure speculation or coincidental.

real madrid 2012

What is true is that Kaka & Real Madrid need to co-ordinate their future & make some real strategic decisions. The Brazilian has not settled at the Spanish Football Club & his salary is  9M€ per year, thats a lot for cash for someone who only plays around 20 matches a season. This & the fact that Real Madrid has Luca Modric of Tottenham Hotspurs in mind as the natural substitute. Before one can join someone must exit & Kaka is the firm candidate.

Thus the meeting today by both parties may have been about:
1. Mourinho communicating officially that the role of Kaka in the squad will be minimal.
2. Real Madrid wishes him out to make room for Modric, thus with the Kaka transfer pay Tottemham.

3. Kaka may have asked the Club to lower their transfer price pretensions in order to
open up the offers options: AC Milian, Courithians...

4. That Kaka has an offer already & wishes the Club to know about it.
5. That Kaka aint moving as he has 3 years more of contract.
6. None of the above.

Stay tuned, as what is a certainty is that Kaka is figuring out his future at this moment.

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